This quiz tests Which famous movie villain are you? Dr. Hannibal Lecter Movies Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Movies IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Which famous movie villain are you? by Mortal Man.
Test your knowledge of:
Dr. Hannibal Lecter

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Are you totally insane?
True False

Are you absolute evil(yes) or just misunderstood, tragic(no)?
True False

Are you a villain because of power, sway or money?
True False

Are you a loyal one to your supporters(yes) or is everybody around you in danger because of your wrath or insanity(no)?
True False

Are you a villain because of revenge or hate at humanity?
True False

Are you a leader, having henchmen doing the dirty work(yes) or are you a loner(no)?
True False

Do you do bad things because of an ideology, religion or phylosophy(yes) or without conviction(no)?
True False

Do you have pleasure being evil(yes) or were you forced into being evil(no)?
True False

Do you have an arch enemy on the good side, destroying all your evil plans?
True False

Do you have one or multiple love interests, staying at your side?
True False

Are you a human being(yes) or do you sometimes feel as something else(no)?
True False

What kind of weapons do you use? Weapons for cutting or shooting(yes) or no weapons/different weapons(no)?
True False

Were you killed or destroyed in the movie(s) you appeared(yes) or did you survive/can't be killed or destroyed(no)?
True False

Do you spare some of your victims(yes) or do you kill everyone that bars your way(no)?
True False

Do you have a good soul(yes) or are you evil through and through(no)?
True False

How do you eliminate your enemys? Slow, sadistic and painful(yes) or you don't/kill them so that they don't have to suffer(no)?
True False

Do you have a special bond with someone(yes)? Or are you totally isolated from others(no)?
True False

Are you a very intelligent/smart/clever/intellectual one?
True False

Are you a mad psychopath movie killer?
True False

You wear a mask or most people don't know how you look like, because you're barely visible?
True False

Do you stay most of the time at the same place(yes) or are you constantly on the move(no)?
True False

Were you once or several times in prison or captured?
True False

Are you into psychological terror or plays?
True False

Do you lie and baffle others(yes) or do you tell the truth and are serious about what you're doing(no)?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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