This quiz tests Liberty, Equality, Order--which do you support most? Moderate: Not particularly libertarian, egalitarian, or conservative; these people tend to believe in compromise as a value. Politics Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Politics IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Liberty, Equality, Order--which do you support most? by jamriv.
Test your knowledge of:
Moderate: Not particularly libertarian, egalitarian, or conservative; these people tend to believe in compromise as a value.

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

I think everyone should be free to do as they choose, so long as they don't infringe upon the equal freedom of others.
True False

Society works best when it lets individuals take responsibility for their own lives without telling them what to do.
True False

The government interferes far too much in our everyday lives.
True False

The government should do more to advance the common good, even if that means limiting the freedom and choices of individuals.
True False

Liberty isn't very valuable.
True False

If it is necessary, we shouldn't be opposed to limiting civil and political liberties in certain cases.
True False

We should do what we can to equalize conditions for different people.
True False

No one person or group should dominate in society.
True False

We should work to give all people an equal chance to succeed.
True False

It is unjust to try to make people equal.
True False

It's probably a good thing that certain people are at the top and others are at the bottom.
True False

Some people are simply inferior to others.
True False

The "old-fashioned ways" and the "old-fashioned values" still show the best way to live.
True False

Tradition and what's worked best in the past are the best guides to what to do in most situations.
True False

A society is nothing if it is not orderly and guided by the principles of its forefathers.
True False

Generally, new ideas and lifestyles are better than traditional ones.
True False

In many cases, it's necessary to completely overturn the political order in one way or another.
True False

Decisions now shouldn't be bound by those of the past; it's fundamentally flawed to justify something by its being tradition or custom.
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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