This quiz tests Which Feng Shen Ji Character Are You? Xuan Feng Anime Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Anime IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Which Feng Shen Ji Character Are You? by WhyNotSmeagol.
Test your knowledge of:
Xuan Feng

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

You prefer to be in a larger group of people, than being alone or in a small group of close friends.
True False

Are you a goal oriented person?
True False

You often appear stoic (showing little emotion and being at ease).
True False

You are a sensitive person even if you are tough.
True False

You like to plan things in advance.
True False

You can be a very selfish person, an egoist.
True False

You are very determined, when you set your mind on something.
True False

You are merciful.
True False

You hate to depend on others (if you don't have a problem with it pick no).
True False

You lie to others without feeling guilty.
True False

You are adventurous. You easily get bored and seek new things to explore.
True False

You can be arrogant at times.
True False

You wish to make history, to change the world.
True False

You are more of a lone wolf type of person. You keep your personal problems for yourself.
True False

You could easily live a "normal" life (a house, a family, a job,...). You wouldn't have a problem with that (if there was no need for war).
True False

You are a loud mouth.
True False

You enjoy talking and thinking about abstract ideas (philosophying).
True False

You are a bit shy.
True False

You would rather loose your life, than your dignity (you wouldn't run away from a meaningful fight).
True False

You would sacrifice yourself for people who are close to you (if that would be needed).
True False

You hate to loose. You don't like that someone bested you.
True False

You look down on some people.
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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