This quiz tests Which expression of love is right for you? Intimacy -- You want to give and/or receive affection physically. This may or may not center on sex. Love Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Love IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Which expression of love is right for you? by A Counseling Student.
Test your knowledge of:
Intimacy -- You want to give and/or receive affection physically. This may or may not center on sex.

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

I often feel special, significant, and useful when I help others.
True False

I tend to give others presents to express my feelings for them.
True False

I get lonely and begin to feel uncared about if I can’t hang out with someone I love.
True False

I give and expect in return hugs, pats, kisses, and other physical signs of affection.
True False

I find that another’s criticism really, really hurts.
True False

I feel so good when I receive a present from someone… or even just get a freebie.
True False

I often feel upset when others don’t help me out, much less offer to do anything.
True False

I think that it's enough just to tell someone I love them. That’s sufficient for me.
True False

I feel complete when I spend time with people I love.
True False

I show affection by doing things for others.
True False

I feel like I need compliments, so sometimes I “fish” for them.
True False

I feel especially warm and appreciated when another touches me in a meaningful way.
True False

I can feel quite depressed when I don’t get a gift, especially when I expected one.
True False

I show people I care by being with them.
True False

I can feel awful about myself when people I love don't touch me.
True False

I feel like “a million bucks” when I get sincere praise.
True False

I don’t usually ask for help, but when someone does something for me, I feel really cherished.
True False

I like to show my feelings physically.
True False

I would rather get a reward than a standing ovation.
True False

I expect others who care about me to spend their time with me.
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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