This quiz tests What Three's Company character are you? Cindy: You're a sweethearted softie in every way, that is open to everyone and everything. Unfortunately, you tend to be just a bit on the clumsy side. But then again, who isn't, right? *Crash!* *Bang!* *Slam!* *OUCH!* Television Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Television IQ Quiz is based upon the selector What Three's Company character are you? by Kitrina.
Test your knowledge of:
Cindy: You're a sweethearted softie in every way, that is open to everyone and everything. Unfortunately, you tend to be just a bit on the clumsy side. But then again, who isn't, right? *Crash!* *Bang!* *Slam!* *OUCH!*

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Do you often go out with more than one girl/guy in the course of one week?
True False

Do people sometimes call you a party pooper with good reason?
True False

Can people describe you as absent-minded but good-hearted?
True False

Are you known to your friends and family as a "bit" clumsy?
True False

Do you tend to scheme more for your dreams than work for them?
True False

Are you often overly-agressive towards the opposite sex?
True False

Can friends and family describe you as "a smart little ball of fire"?
True False

Do you often say the wrong thing at the worst possible time?
True False

Are you known to many as warm, outgoing, friendly, and a bit on the frisky side?
True False

Are you often unaware of how others perceive you?
True False

Do you like to cook? (think more ways than one ;)
True False

Are you often jokingly described as a simple peppy cheerleader or a big dense jock?
True False

Are you extremely independent and proud of it?
True False

Are you old-fashioned and set in your ways?
True False

Do you have a bit of a wild temper?
True False

Are you sometimes intimidated by the opposite sex?
True False

Does it sometimes take you extra long or never to get jokes?
True False

Are you OK with stepping all over people in order to get what you want?
True False

Are you a very funny person that can cheer people up when they're down?
True False

Are you extra careful when it comes to spending money?
True False

Do wear what you like whether its in style or not?
True False

Do you tend to constantly annoy your friends although they truly love you?
True False

Are you open-minded and into astrology?
True False

Are you or would you ever consider going into a medical profession?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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