This quiz tests Sorting Hat- Ill show you where you ought to be Slytherin Harry Potter Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Harry Potter IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Sorting Hat- Ill show you where you ought to be by Sara.
Test your knowledge of:

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

On the train to Hogwarts, you order cauldron cakes from the lunch trolley. The witch is taking a long time getting them. Do you tell her to hurry up?
True False

Did you tell the sorting hat which house you wanted to be in?
True False

You’re racing your broom and the only way to win is to push one of the people in front off their broom (You can beat one of them, but not both). Would you push off your friend -it would be easier [Yes] or the other person -but it would be harder. [No]
True False

You and your partner complete an assignment for potions. Your friend however takes all the credit. Disregarding the fact that your teacher is Snape; would you explain what happened to the Prof. [Yes] or confront your friend after class? [No]
True False

Do you enjoy learning?
True False

What is your favourite subject? Again disregarding Snape; is it Potions [Yes] or Arithmancy [No]?
True False

If you had to choose one of the following creatures to transfigure into, which would it be? Crocodile [Yes] or Panther [No]
True False

Would a stone room make you feel cold even if you were sitting in front of a fire?
True False

If it got you off the hook, would you rat on a friend?
True False

Can people generally keep eye contact with you when talking [yes], or do they tend to look away? [No]
True False

Patience is a virtue. Are you patient?
True False

Are you afraid of things that go ‘BUMP’ in the night? They do exist you know.
True False

Could you (and would you) describe yourself as an anarchist?
True False

Think carefully about this one.To become more powerful than Voldemort, all you have to do is sacrifice either your conscience [Yes] or your friend. [No] Think of the greater good. Which One?
True False

AN APOCALYPSE IS NIGH! (The world is ending) Do you care about the way you look?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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