This quiz tests Marriage and Reproductive Rights No, cousin marriage should not be allowed under any circumstances. Politics Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Politics IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Marriage and Reproductive Rights by C.U.D.D.L.E. International.
Test your knowledge of:
No, cousin marriage should not be allowed under any circumstances.

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Do you believe that everyone has the inalienable right to marriage?
True False

Do you believe that decisions about reproduction belong to each individual, without government interferance?
True False

Do you agree that there should be no legal restriction on marriage and reproduction for smokers, despite an appx. 2% increase in birth disorders for their offspring?
True False

Do you agree that there should be no legal restrictions against marriage and reproduction because of age, providing the individuals are legal adults, despite significant increase in risk of Down's Syndrome for women over 30?
True False

Individuals who carry genetic disorders such as Marfan's Syndrome and Hemophilia are rightfully allowed to make personal decisions regarding marriage and reproduction, despite a 50/50 chance of passing on the disorder to their offspring. Do you feel there should be restrictions on their freedom of marriage and reproductive rights?
True False

Do you believe that homosexual unions and adoption should be legally permitted, despite strict moral sanctions against it, because religion has no place in politics.
True False

Fact: First cousin marriages increase risks for Autosomal Recessive disorders (the least common type of birth defect) by nearly double. Do you feel that risk is significant enough to warrant discriminatory laws forbidding cousins from marriage and reproductive rights.
True False

Fact: First cousin marriages were legal in all states prior to 1860, and the marriage bans that were imposed later in some states are a direct parallel to the historic miscegeny laws. Cousin marriage bans are still in place in 25 states. Do you believe these laws should be repealed?
True False

Fact: The tenets of every major world religion except Hinduism upholds marriages between first cousins. Although this fact cannot be used for legislative decisions, the misconception that cousin marriage is immoral does affect public opinion, making legislative reform in this area unpopular. Do you feel that politicians should stand on scientifically valid evidence regarding legislative issues, even if it is unpopular?
True False

Fact: 25 states currently prohibit or restrict first cousin marriage and reproductive rights, yet less than half of those states define such relationships as incestuous. Do you feel that to define a relationship as legitimate, yet prohibit the couple from marriage and reproduction is inconsistant and deserving of closer scrutiny?
True False

Fact: Genetic experts make a distiction between "consanguinity" and "incestuous". Cousin marriage is termed as consanguineous. Since the "compelling interest" most prohibitive states rely on for keeping marriage and reproduction rights from these couples is the misunderstanding of the two terms, and fear of birth defects, both of which are unfounded, do you feel the laws forbidding marriage between cousins are discriminatory and should be repealed?
True False

Fact: Constitutional legal analysts, such as Joanna Grossman, and many law professors, agree that there is a strong basis for constitutional challenge to cousin marriage prohibitions. Do you agree with their position?
True False

Fact: Genetic experts, including Robin Bennett, President of the NSGC, and Alan Bittles, co-director of the Centre for Human Genetics, believe that cousin couples should be educated and encouraged to seek genetic counseling prior to marriage, rather than be prohibited from marriage. Do you agree with their position?
True False

Fact: The NSGC recently established guidelines that stated: beyond a thorough medical family history with follow-up of significant findings, no additional preconception screening is recommended for consanguineous couples. Given this information, do you agree that first cousins should be allowed the same rights to marriage and reproduction that other couples are given?
True False

Have you ever known a cousin couple?
True False

Have you ever been involved in a romantic relationship with a cousin?
True False

Would you be interested learning more information about cousin marriage?
True False

Woule you be willing to have a representative from CUDDLE International contact you?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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