This quiz tests What Quidditch Position Should You Play? Part of the menacing front three, you're a Chaser! You've got an arm on you, and your job is to get that quaffle through one of the three hoops, and you manage to do so nicely. Harry Potter Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Harry Potter IQ Quiz is based upon the selector What Quidditch Position Should You Play? by Erika.
Test your knowledge of:
Part of the menacing front three, you're a Chaser! You've got an arm on you, and your job is to get that quaffle through one of the three hoops, and you manage to do so nicely.

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Are you very interested in playing Quidditch or any other Muggle sports?
True False

Speaking of Muggle sports, are you good at or do you like playing basketball?
True False

Are you good at tennis?
True False

Can you play baseball/softball well?
True False

Are you a good soccer player?
True False

When it comes to how you're built, are you big and brawny?
True False

Are you small and muscular, with sharp eyes and quick reflexes?
True False

Are you average sized and fairly well-muscled?
True False

Are you very athletic?
True False

Are your muscles toned?
True False

Are you agile?
True False

Is your aim good?
True False

Are you able to hit things very hard?
True False

Are you very protective?
True False

Do you have a good memory?
True False

Are you enthusiastic?
True False

When it comes to brooms, do you find speed very important?
True False

Do you consider durability to be an important quality in your broom?
True False

Is handling very important to you in a broom?
True False

Do you value your broom's elevation capabilities very much?
True False

Are you most concerned with the overall performance of your broom?
True False

Do you like to be on the sidelines as opposed to in the middle of the action?
True False

Do you tend to be a showoff?
True False

Do you have a tendency to get in the way of things sometimes?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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