This quiz tests What No Destination character are you? Luke Kingsley Comics Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Comics IQ Quiz is based upon the selector What No Destination character are you? by Jedera.
Test your knowledge of:
Luke Kingsley

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

You're protective of people you care about.
True False

Strangers that start random conversations to pass time should just leave you alone.
True False

You feel more at peace in a forest than in a city.
True False

You are: introverted (agree), extroverted (disagree), or a mixture (not sure).
True False

You feel greatly affronted when you see something you consider to be injustice.
True False

Deep down, you’re afraid of being alone.
True False

If you believe something is right, you want to PROVE it.
True False

Your looks compared to your actual age: annoy you (agree), flatter you (disagree), or don't have any effect on you (not sure).
True False

You can sometimes "feel" other people's emotions.
True False

You'd probably waste away without video games.
True False

Sports are to be: participated in (agree), mocked/ignored (disagree), or watched (not sure).
True False

You have positive connotations with your family.
True False

People are silly. Heh.
True False

We need more laughter in this world!
True False

You: love kids (agree), want kids to all simultaneously run off a cliff (disagree), or think kids can be cute sometimes (not sure).
True False

You get along well with strangers. First-time meetings don't really phase you. They're fun!
True False

Music is your lifeblood. You'd die without it.
True False

Your reputation/appearance is not who you are. People who get to know you are almost *always* surprised at what they find.
True False

If others are happy, you feel happy, too.
True False

You can sometimes connect to animals more than you can connect to other people.
True False

The idea of you not having full control of yourself seriously bothers you.
True False

That special someone you're interested in is: probably the same sex as you (agree); almost definitely the opposite sex (disagree); might be either sex, love is so unpredictable (not sure).
True False

Neat people are just too lazy to look for things.
True False

You try not to dwell on your past.
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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