This quiz tests Your anime personality! Shinji Ikari Anime Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Anime IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Your anime personality! by charlie.
Test your knowledge of:
Shinji Ikari

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

(yes) Male (no) Female (either) both? Get the hell out of here.
True False

Big, scary guy is rumbling your way with an axe, so you...(yes) crush the bitch, not just cuz hes in your space, but his shirt's ugly too. (no) preach the love and peace philosophy, but take him on if he persists. (either) rely on your charm and smarts to sneak out a cunning victory.
True False

Your computer isn't working, so you...(yes) smack the hell out of it (no) get one of your buddies to fix it (either) just rewire that thingie and plug those chips there...and presto!
True False

Your girlfriend/boyfriend kicks the bucket, so you...(yes) collapse and cry till your eyes turn into prunes (no) hope no finds out you killed him/her (either) "I had a chic/guy?"
True False

In your spare time you can be seen...(yes) wandering around, making friends with strangers (no) wandering around, conning strangers (either) staying home to avoid strangers.
True False

A man advances toward you with a torch, so you...(yes) break his knees (no) drop,stop, and roll (either) take out your smokes.
True False

You prefer to travel in a...(yes) mecha (no) sweet bike (either) "who needs a vehicle?"
True False

If you're stumped on a question for a test, you...(yes) have the answers written on your arm (no) screw the test and daydream (either) "me stumped on a test? Cold day in hell. I'm a freakin' genius phenom."
True False

Someone accidently spills coffee on your shirt, so you...(yes) stain his shirt with his blood (no) sit in was your favorite shirt damnit! (either) Oh, yay! Free coffee!
True False

Your best buddy is getting mugged, so you...(yes) save his/her ass and pound on the thief (no) go for some ice cream (either) apologize for mugging him/her, then take off to mug more suckers.
True False

Whats your favorite kind of anime? (yes) violent/fighting (no) romance (either) comedy
True False

The man over there gives you a knife, so you...(yes) accidently drop it and sever his toe (no) go kill a terrorist (either) say "no thanks, its not worthy of my collection."
True False

Your favorite part of football is...(yes) that it ends (no) gambling (either) whats not to like?
True False

You wake up to find yourself on an alien spaceship, surrounded by aliens, and your first thought is...(yes) which one should i kidnap first? (no) O dear God! Please don't probe me! (either) hey...don't i know you?
True False

You have the murderer of your best friend in your grasp, so you...(yes) let him live because no one deserves to die, but rough him up plenty (no) don't do anything because you're an emotional wreck (either) forgive him because you stole his wallet earlier, then change your mind and mutilate the biatch.
True False

If you were an animal, you'd prefer to be a...(yes) wolf, hunting=fun (no) cat, i get to chill all day long (either) mole, screw society, finally some peace and quiet.
True False

People love me because...(yes) i'm so cool and awesome (no) i'll break their knees if they don't (either) hmm...interesting question. Why the hell do people love me?
True False

If it were up to me, the world would be...(yes) love and peace! (no) mine to control and mine alone! Muahaha! (either) full of the opposite sex.
True False

You have a hundred bucks to spend, so you...(yes) finally buy something respectable for a loved one (no) buy the newest technological items of mass destruction (either) beer! Woohoo!
True False

You have 1 day left to live, so you...(yes) take as many people with you as possible (no) have as much fun as possible (either) lie down and eagerly await your demise.
True False

You are stranded on a deserted island. Your first thought is...(yes) damnit, theres nothing to do but kill small animals here (no) Deserted island! Yay! (either) Stupid people. I never wanted to stay on their lame cruise ship anyway.
True False

How do you dress? (yes) I like to keep myself looking sharp and slick (no) whatever the hell i find laying around without holes in it will do (either) I’m one of those funky looking people.
True False

People think you are…(yes) annoying (no) laid back (yes) hyper
True False

You consider yourself as…(yes) such a cool guy/chic (no) a smartass (either) the devil, el demonio, satan, Lucifer, ect.
True False

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