This quiz tests The X Character Personality Test Fuma Monou Anime Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Anime IQ Quiz is based upon the selector The X Character Personality Test by Dabid!.
Test your knowledge of:
Fuma Monou

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

If I had a choice between marrying a really hot person or a really kind person--I'd pick neither. That lovey-dovey trash isn't for me.
True False

I always at least try to look on the bright side--even if it hurts my eyes.
True False

A little girl is about to be trampled by a stampeding elephant. Would you knock her out of the way, even if it would DEFINITELY mean you'd die?
True False

I'm into athletics and working out. Yeah, I'm a jock, okay!!!
True False

I'm a true friend. My oldest friend is still in my life.
True False

I go into a store to buy a shirt. There's a cheap pastel pink shirt and an expensive black shirt. I'd notice that the clerk is really hot.
True False

I'm into an unhealthy habit like smoking or drinking.
True False

I retreat into myself to avoid the pain of reality.
True False

I don't show my emotions.
True False

I'm a very mature and responsible person. Uhhh... usually.
True False

I'm confident to the point of arrogance.
True False

I'd rather have something healthy and nutritious to eat than something tasty and unhealthy from a fast food restaraunt.
True False

I'm constantly cheerful and smiling.
True False

I obsess over bad things in my past.
True False

I believe in always treating *everyone* with kindness.
True False

I'm unhappy with my life the way it is. I want things to change.
True False

I am constantly calm. Maybe even cold...
True False

I'd rather be alone than be hurt by others.
True False

If I don't succeed at something, there's no reason to keep trying.
True False

Everything wrong with the world is mankind's fault. We suck!!!
True False

I participate in the bare minimum of social interaction. In other words, I'm anti-social, okay?
True False

I have strong morals and principles that I don't usually compromise.
True False

I'm willing *beyond a doubt* to sacrifice my life for those I love most.
True False

I laugh a lot and find humor in almost every situation.
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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