This quiz tests The Exorcist's Closet Official Personality Test! Sophia, the goblin Books Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Books IQ Quiz is based upon the selector The Exorcist's Closet Official Personality Test! by Rat.
Test your knowledge of:
Sophia, the goblin

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Do you prefer to read: fiction (yes), non-fiction (no), or not read (either)?
True False

I can cook (yes), I can't cook (no) or I'm a biohazard in the kitchen (either)?
True False

Do you think you're: smart (y), not really (n), don't think(e)?
True False

Are you complex (y), simple (n), or just not (e)?
True False

You occupy yourself with: school (y), work (n), very little (e)?
True False

Are you religious (y), not religious (n), or religiously anti-religious (e)?
True False

You go for: girls (e), guys (y), or either (n)? note the different order of choices!
True False

Do you like them: younger (y), older (n), or the same age (e)?
True False

Do you adhere to: magic (y), religion (n), or science (e)?
True False

Would you destroy others to gain your own freeedom: hell yeah (y), hell no (n), freedom? (e)?
True False

Would you give your life for someone else: hell yeah (y), hell no (e), depends on the someone...(n)?
True False

Which vampire chronicles character do you prefer: Lestat (y), Louis (n), vampire WHAT? (e)?
True False

Would you describe Paul as Rei's bitch: hell yeah (y), hell no (e), not really...(n)?
True False

Would you accept Chris's invitation to immortality: hell yeah (y), hell no (n), anything you say, Chris daaarling (e)?
True False

Do you use your looks to charm others: but of course! (y), gods, no (n), not physically possible...(e)?
True False

You are: in charge (y), fate's bitch (n), beyond such mortal concerns (e)?
True False

You are: super-social (y), anti-social (n), so-so-cial (e)?
True False

Cheating is okay: if I don't get caught! (y), if it doesn't hurt antone (n), never (e)?
True False

You like people: around me (y), at a safe distance (n), for dinner (e)?
True False

Your family is: close (y), close to nothing (n), unknown...(e)?
True False

Who would win in a fight: Mario (y) or Luigi (n), who now? (e)?
True False

Subservience is: death (y), indispensible to my lifestyle (n), the only way to go, baby! (e)?
True False

People think I'm: a nice person (y), a mean person (n), one scary bitch! (e)?
True False

Are you trying to get Chris on this test? What do you mean, 'on this test'? (y), well, uh...(n), don't give a flying fig (e)
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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