This quiz tests I Have A Thing For Hobbits (and other things) Legolas Lord of the Rings Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Lord of the Rings IQ Quiz is based upon the selector I Have A Thing For Hobbits (and other things) by TheOneGirl.
Test your knowledge of:

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Have you ever been discribed as a "mischevious little punk"?
True False

Say you're at a party- a little middle earth party- do you dance(yes), or sit around like a loser (no)?
True False

Same Party- You friend says "Oh my gosh try this cake!" Do you say "Ew! Calories!" (yes) or "I love eating!" (no- ok maybe not "i love eating"...)
True False

Ok, last party- you see a hot guy, but- oh no!- He's older than you- do you make out with him anyway?
True False

Would you rather be accidentally shot with a stray arrow (yes), impaled by a sword(no), or mauled by and ax(not sure)?
True False

Do you like feeling like you can protect your guy (yes), or like he's protecting you(ok, if you can't figure out that after 'yes' is 'no', then you've got issues)?
True False

Would you be disgusted if your guy had some, eh... slight deformity? (i.e. hairy feet, or pointed ears)
True False

Would you rather live in a tree(yes), in a hole in the ground(no), or in a cave(not sure).
True False

If your guy was mad at you would he give you the cold shoulder (yes), tell you what's wrong(no), or kick you in the shin (not sure).
True False

Had to ask this- do you go for short guys?
True False

Light hair over dark hair?
True False

Do you like guys who are... adventerous?
True False

Do you want a lot of kids?
True False

Could you love someone who wasn't physically attractive?
True False

Could you love some one who was a fool? (i.e. thinks with his stomach)
True False

Would you rather looks(yes), brains(no)?
True False

Are you some kind of sick freak that tends to go for hobbits?
True False

Are you some kind of sick freak that tends to go for Frodo?
True False

If your guys was injured in some serious way, would he bleed to death while waiting for you to get help(yes), or would you be able to treat him yourself(no)?
True False

Are you strong/freakishly strong/ can you climb a tree/mountain.
True False

Where is Togo? (Muahhaahaaaa!)
True False

Would you have a problem with being with a guy who's killed someone? (for any reaon, good or bad)
True False

Are you considered beautiful/gorgeous/hot? (be honest- if you're not me, the answer is 'no')
True False

Are you some totally cool person who thinks Legolas is like 'the thing'?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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