This quiz tests Raptor's freaky chars. And who are YOU? Elandru Recreation Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Recreation IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Raptor's freaky chars. And who are YOU? by RaptorRia.
Test your knowledge of:

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Are you a generally fun-loving person?
True False

TV is interesting, but books rule ass.
True False

In all truth, positions of power and authority interest you.
True False

Do you feel lonely more often then not?
True False

Although you prefer the company of solitude, you can get along well enough in a social environment if you must.
True False

Learn and Teach; but don't preach.
True False

Do you believe that past is past, and that's that?
True False

As far as style goes, your more conservative.
True False

Style? You ARE style, baby! ^_^
True False

God help the person that comes between you and a good meal.
True False

When loved ones are involved, you spare no expense.
True False

Are you quick to anger?
True False

Large social gathers appeal to you, as long as your amongst friends.
True False

Do you ever find yourself smiling simply for the benefit of others?
True False

No matter how hard you try, nothing is good enough.
True False

So you believe that, In the end, YOU are in charge of your own destiny?
True False

You respect the religious choices of others, but you don't understand why 'others' bother with religion in the first place.
True False

Family first. Always.
True False

Do you have trouble sleeping at night?
True False

Is your life HECTIC? Or in other words, STRESSFUL?
True False

Do people seem to consider you a depressed individual?
True False

Peace and quiet- is a GOOD thing.
True False

God help the person that pisses you off; your pridefull, and will defend your honor.
True False

I have a goal, and i NEVER slack.
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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