This quiz tests Emo VS. Remo--where do you fall? authentic emotional Weird Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Weird IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Emo VS. Remo--where do you fall? by shannon nelson.
Test your knowledge of:
authentic emotional

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Emo is short for emotional.
True False

Remo is a slang term to mean rip-off emo.
True False

Dashboard confessional would be considered the first popular emo band.
True False

Wearing black too often looks morbid.
True False

I think I'd like to have plugs in both ears.
True False

I can tolerate rap pretty well, even if it isnt my favorite type of music.
True False

I write a lot of poetry--it's one of the best ways to get my emotions out.
True False

I don't like to do things that are considered "trendy"--whatever it is, it always takes away some meaning.
True False

Coffeeshops are really dull.
True False

Music isn't a big part of my life--I listen to it, but that's about it.
True False

If my girlfriend dumps me, I work it out by writing a song.
True False

For a large portion of my clothing, I shop at the goodwill or other thrift stores.
True False

I am (if I was) a guy. I (would) carry a messenger bag.
True False

It's very rare that I should ever find myself thinking about being lonely.
True False

Popularity isn't important to me--I'd rather feel known and have a deep connection with my friends than party with a huge circle of people whom I don't really know.
True False

I know of most of the following bands: Dashboard Confessionals, Hot Water Music, The Juliana Theory, Jimmy Eat World, Further Seems Forever, The Lindsay Diaries.
True False

Emo envelopes a number of factions, from indie-rock to punk, but it really bothers me when I see "mall emo" kids wearing the clothes and not being into any of the music or emotions (and vice versa).
True False

It took me a while to learn what emo was, but when I did I realized that was me and my friends, even back in high school.
True False

Seventeen magazine and a ton of online sites are talking about being EMO... Chris Carabba and Chris Conley are getting really popular with their style of spewing everything they feel..... that's why I got into the whole Emo scene.
True False

Of course I'm emotional. I'm also really friendly and extroverted, bordering on bubbly. People really energize me and I don't ever really enjoy being alone when I could be hanging out with friends. Everyone can tell when I'm happy or excited, and I'm usually never sad or depressed around anyone.
True False

I don't care if it's independant or not--I just want to like what's cool. Other people care way too much for independant labels.
True False

I can't help feeling a twinge of bitterness when I hear Dashboard at the mall, nor can I help wanting to shoot all the new kids at school who stand outside in groups singing Dashboard lyrics.
True False

I need to figure out where to get a bunch of those mini band buttons--they'd look kinda cool on my bag.
True False

I'd dye my hair black if I could pull it off, and wear it kind of shaggy.... I just dont ever want to look like a bleached-tips boyband member. (girls: think britney spears, christina aguilera.)
True False

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