This quiz tests What kind of Psychic Birth Switch are you? A partial (someone with some abilities) Weird Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Weird IQ Quiz is based upon the selector What kind of Psychic Birth Switch are you? by psyklifneaneiul.
Test your knowledge of:
A partial (someone with some abilities)

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Can you 'see' things most other people cant?
True False

Do of often get headaches, stomach and heart problems, and psychological problems?
True False

does electronic equipment often mal function and short out around you?
True False

When you were little were you the best hider?...
True False

The best seeker? ...
True False

Do you have blonde hair, blue eyes and a charismatic personality?
True False

Are you heavy built, with dark eyes?
True False

Is your hair dark and are your eyes composed of three or so rings?
True False

Do you often get warm almost tingly sensations spreading through your body and specifically to your hands when your angry or threatened?
True False

Are you often fatigued, tired, ill or sick frequently?
True False

Do people strangely feel ill, or fatigued around you?
True False

Do you sometimes get high pitched ringings in your ears?
True False

Do other people sometimes get headaches and ear aches around you?
True False

Do you currently have any psychic powers such as PsychoKinesis, Telepathy, or Shielding?
True False

Do you have problems with development? i.e. Small for your age, Late reaching puberty
True False

If you have psychic abilities, can you surpress them?
True False

Do you have relational problems and/or are you a social outcast?
True False

Do i have rabies 0.o
True False

Does stuff strangely move or fall over around you?
True False

Do you think this is all a load of bullsh*t?
True False

Can you make animals do what you want them to do? i.e Wanting your dog to go away, and all of a sudden it goes away.
True False

When you are thinking about someone do they suddenly call out of the blue?
True False

When you get into fights, do you sometimes without meaning to do it severely hurt someone with one punch?
True False

Do you smoke PcP?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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