This quiz tests Which one of Diana's idiotic friends are you? Diana - You're ME!!! You are: Crazy, Schizophrenic, Spontaneous, Suger-High, and Unique! Bad side of being ME!!!: You're evil alter-ego is Pat the pissed off primate. You fling poo! Weird Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Weird IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Which one of Diana's idiotic friends are you? by Diana.
Test your knowledge of:
Diana - You're ME!!! You are: Crazy, Schizophrenic, Spontaneous, Suger-High, and Unique! Bad side of being ME!!!: You're evil alter-ego is Pat the pissed off primate. You fling poo!

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Are you my friend?
True False

Or are you some sad little loser who wishes you were?
True False

If you were at the movies with me, and I randomly spazzed out and died, would you pretend you didn't know me?
True False

Would you go, "Ghegheghe!" and start shaking your hands with a terrified look on your face?
True False

Would you wait for me to stop moving and then poke me to see if I were still alive? And if not, would you eat me?
True False

Would you sit there and laugh at me because you'd be high on "something in the air"?
True False

Would you lean over and whisper, "Diana, stop. . . You're embarrassing me!"
True False

Would you not be at the movies in the first place, because you're a screwy little fruit cake who never goes anywhere with MEEE?
True False

Would you start spazzing and dying with me?
True False

Would you not be at the movies in the first place since I'm not your friend because you're just a sad little loser who whishes you were?
True False

Or would you be the one doing the spazzing and dying?
True False

Are you taking this test because you're a sad little loser who has nothing better to do?
True False

If I you were shopping at the mall with me, and I asked you whether or not you liked a certain very gross, very UGLY shirt, would you say you liked it just because you wouldn't want me to feel bad?
True False

Would you make a face and give me the, "Please tell me you're joking!" look.
True False

Would you just stand there and look at it with your eyebrows all furrowed, not knowing what to say because it's UGLYNESS was blinding you.
True False

Would you look as if you were thinking for a second, and then say, "Naaah. . . It's really not riiight for yooou."
True False

Would you say, "OHHH MYYY GAWD! THAT IS SO COOL!", reach over, grab one just like it, and suggest we both get one so we can match!
True False

Would you not be at the mall with me in the first place because you're a faaagot who never does anything with MEEE!!!
True False

Or would you not be at the mall with me because you're not my friend and. . . Blah, you get the point.
True False

Are you confused?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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