This quiz tests Which Gryffindor Student Are You? Fred & George Weasley Books Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Books IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Which Gryffindor Student Are You? by Sylverwind.
Test your knowledge of:
Fred & George Weasley

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Do you strive to excell in all or most of your academic studies without complaint?
True False

Despite your efforts (or lack thereof), do you usually tend to goof up in class?
True False

Do you enjoy participating in risky activities that could often result in expulsion from your school?
True False

Would you rather spend your time indoors (yes) or outdoors (no)?
True False

Can you handle confrontation well/Is it easy for you to stand up to others?
True False

Is your home/family life a pleasant one?
True False

Do your friends consider you brainy?
True False

How about funny?
True False

Do you tend to fade into the background when hanging out with a group of people?
True False

Would/do you LIKE to fade into the background when hanging out with a group of people?
True False

Are you shy when it comes to dealing with members of the opposite?
True False

Are you extremely into playing, watching, and/or supporting sports?
True False

Do you sometimes hide things or twist facts to keep from hurting or worrying other people?
True False

Do you currently have a defined group of friends (yes), or are you still searching for your social niche (no)?
True False

Do you enjoy practical jokes and pranks?
True False

Okay, seriously... if you had magic, would you be any good at it?
True False

Would you try to talk a friend out of doing something that might get them in trouble (yes), or immediately support their plight and even go along with them (no)?
True False

Do you strictly (or at least, more often than not) abide by the rules?
True False

Would you ever consider placing academic commitments before friendship (whether or not things end up in that order)?
True False

Do you consider commitment to your overall (for example, sports) team/group more important that commitments to your friends?
True False

Are you a good leader?
True False

Do you tend to get picked on?
True False

Are you bossy at all?
True False

If the Sorting Hat hadn't put you in Gryffindor House, would it have put you in Hufflepuff (yes), Ravenclaw (no), or Slytherin (not sure)?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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