This quiz tests Would you be accepted into The Clan? Your accepted! Humor Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Humor IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Would you be accepted into The Clan? by Iya .
Test your knowledge of:
Your accepted!

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Do you think you have multiple personalities?
True False

Do other people think you have multiple personalities?
True False

Do you refer to yourself in 3rd person?
True False

Do you create imaginary worlds (or take someone elses) and live in them?
True False

Do you live in an RPG (role playing game) with other people?
True False

Can you entertain yourself with a Trisket for 3 hours?
True False

Do you take everything seriously?
True False

Do you have characters from shows, movies, book, etc that you have "claimed" as you?
True False

If so, do you go by their names?
True False

Do you go by more then 4 different names?
True False

Are you insane?
True False

If so, do you think there is a reason to it?
True False

Do you attack people?
True False

Do you act like a little animal and crawl over people and make funny noises?
True False

Are half the people (or more) around you scared of you?
True False

If so, do you scare them on purpose?
True False

Are you paranoid?
True False

When you try to explain to people what you are doing, do they back away and say " do that..."?
True False

Do you laugh when people call you insane?
True False

Do you glomp people often? (glomping is runningn us to someone really fast and hugging them tightly)
True False

Do you find eating other peoples food disgusting?
True False

When someone asks, "whats your problem?" can you easily answer that?
True False

Do you moo?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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