This quiz tests Which of Cevelle's friends are you? Sarah- You are like the most beautiful but you don't believe people when they tell you. You dream of being a great writer and you have lotsa talent in that area. You are sort of technology oriented. LOL! whatever that mean! but you are online like all the time! Entertainment Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Entertainment IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Which of Cevelle's friends are you? by virtualsarcasm.
Test your knowledge of:
Sarah- You are like the most beautiful but you don't believe people when they tell you. You dream of being a great writer and you have lotsa talent in that area. You are sort of technology oriented. LOL! whatever that mean! but you are online like all the time!

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

are you always online?
True False

have people called you "loud" before?
True False

Do you like to cross dress?
True False

Are you always cheerful, no matter what?
True False

Are you ethiopian?
True False

Do you wish to be a great writer?
True False

Do you LUV anime?
True False

Don't you love Tank Girl?
True False

Do you tend to ramble about random things?
True False

Do you heart Angelina Jolie?
True False

Do you heart Winona Ryder more than anything?
True False

Are you a sportsy type?
True False

Do you like horror type stuff?
True False

Are you an artist?
True False

Can you dance foo?
True False

Do you have the ability to play many many instruments?
True False

Are you a good listener? Do you tend to help your friends with their problems a lot?
True False

Do you like both guys and girls?
True False

Does it always seem you are trying to get a ride from someone on Bardstown Road?
True False

Are you sweet? Are you sweeter than a gummi bear suit?
True False

Do you think you are ugly (even if people tell you that you aren't)?
True False

Do you sometimes cry in the dark, you emo kid?
True False

Do you like angry grrl music a whole bunch?
True False

Do you heart Cevelle?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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