This quiz tests Which Debra are you? Loner Debra- There is only one thing to say... Awwwww... Hobbies Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Hobbies IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Which Debra are you? by Debspudknowitall.
Test your knowledge of:
Loner Debra- There is only one thing to say... Awwwww...

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Laughter is the best way to make someone feel comfortable
True False

You like to ask questions that have no possible answers
True False

You have no friends
True False

If you saw someone sitting alone, you would invite them to sit with you
True False

You have walked around with a name tag because you "don't want to forget who you are"
True False

You like to make people laugh
True False

Your favourite phrase is "I told you so"
True False

You like to think you're always right
True False

You enjoy your own company rather than the company of others
True False

You like to make people feel welcome and accepted.
True False

You know the answers to ALL questions people ask you.
True False

You like to see other people fail
True False

You know a lot of jokes
True False

You enjoy watching the bold and the beautiful
True False

The world revolves around you
True False

You like to tease people
True False

You have more then one best friend
True False

You ask people to call you "Queen toilet paper monster"
True False

You are your own best friend
True False

You often repeat yourself
True False

You think it's funny to see people lick batteries.
True False

You like to be by yourself a lot
True False

You have a large group of friends
True False

You have written a story about a cat getting caught on fire
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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