This quiz tests Are You Discriminating? You are heterosexist: You have a fear of gay/les/bi people and find their lifestyle disgusting. Personality Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Personality IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Are You Discriminating? by Jo Anna.
Test your knowledge of:
You are heterosexist: You have a fear of gay/les/bi people and find their lifestyle disgusting.

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Do you get annoyed by certain races getting special attention?
True False

Do you say a racist word at least once a month? (i.e. ni**er, cracker, w*p, spook, etc.)
True False

Do you ever think racist comments in your mind, but don't speak them out loud?
True False

Have you ever done something to hurt a person because of your dislike for a certain race? (i.e. call them names, physically abuse, etc.)
True False

Do you exclude your children and / or siblings to hang out with other races?
True False

Do you get annoyed with women wanting higher pay?
True False

Do you believe a woman should do "womanly" things and men do "manly" things? (i.e. the woman cooks, the man brings home the pay)
True False

Have you ever looked down on a woman because she was just that, a woman? or look down on a man for the same reason?
True False

Do you believe in designated roles? (i.e. the woman stays at home, the man wears the pants, etc.)
True False

Do you believe women or men should not wear and / or act like the opposite sex? (i.e. women boxing, men wearing earrings, etc.)
True False

Are you uncomfortable around gay/les/bi people?
True False

Do you consider the homosexual or bisexual lifestyle to be not normal and disgusting?
True False

Do you call people fags, just because you think they might be gay?
True False

Do you think that same sex marriages should be outlawed?
True False

Have you ever felt anger or hatefulness to a person who is gay/les/bi?
True False

Are you uncomfortable around people who are handicapped?
True False

Do you consider the mentally challenged to be "retards"?
True False

Have you ever caused harm to a handicapped person just because you could?
True False

do you not move out of the way when a blind person is coming through?
True False

Should the handicapped be allowed to be in normal schools and / or work places?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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