This quiz tests Which Seventh Grade Fort Couch Teacher are YOU? Dr. Whitecap Weird Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Weird IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Which Seventh Grade Fort Couch Teacher are YOU? by Miss Penguin.
Test your knowledge of:
Dr. Whitecap

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Are you a male (yes), a female (no), or an alien (not sure)?
True False

You wear clothes that are cute and/or chic (yes), revealing and sexy (no), or whatever you like (not sure)?
True False

You don't have favorite students, or you've never thought about it.
True False

AT (Advisor Time) is a time for getting work done and grading papers (yes) or socializing with your students (no)?
True False

When you get mad, you throw a temper tantrum (yes) or get extremely annoyed or use the guilt system (no)?
True False

You are always grammatically correct.
True False

You are very emotional and show your emotions a lot (yes), you are very emotional and rarely show your emotions (no), or you aren't emotional at all.
True False

Man, you hate popular kids. Well, the ones who know that they are popular.
True False

Your students know how many boyfriends/girlfriends you have, their names, your favorite food, your birthday, AND your favorite band.
True False

While reading out loud, you skip all the words you don't like and replace them with "darn", "gender", and "heck."
True False

Did I spell leprechaun right?
True False

You can't stand stupid people. You couldn't care less if it's not their fault; it's annoying!
True False

When you go shopping, your first stop is American Eagle, Delia's, or Abercrombie (yes), Lazarus or Kaufmann's (no), or Payless or Sears (not sure)?
True False

I have to bite my tounge a lot (yes), I forget to bite my tounge and it slips out (not my tounge, what I'm saying!) (no), or I never have to bite my tounge (not sure)?
True False

If you could live forever but nobody else could, would you?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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