This quiz tests You're my pal... Lil Missy... Stinky Mc Bouncy Ass is on a love rampage, as usual! Humor Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Humor IQ Quiz is based upon the selector You're my pal... by Dan.
Test your knowledge of:
Lil Missy... Stinky Mc Bouncy Ass is on a love rampage, as usual!

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Do you live across the street from me?
True False

Does your car look like a space shuttle?
True False

Are you grotesquely overweight and pseudogoth?
True False

Have you ever lived with Stinky Mc Fat Ass?
True False

Do you wear far too much make up?
True False

Are your breasts disproportionally large to the rest of your body?
True False

Do you have a scary horse that should trample Pig Satan?
True False

Do you have anything besides your ears pierced? a lip, perhaps?
True False

Are you what I might call an "evil dwarf," being that your evil, and under 5' 5" tall?
True False

Do you brag about being off on your own, even though your parents dictate what you can do, and pay your bills?
True False

I cant think of a question, so... are you Mike? hehe
True False

Do you wrestle over things of little value? IE pennies...
True False

Did you steal my moms fake boobs by smuggling them out in your pants?
True False

Do you cry over the opposite sex far more often than you should
True False

Does the phrase "I'll never tell" make you laugh lots?
True False

Would you like to make more chocolate covered pretzels?
True False

Do you think smokin' weed is a cool way to spend Friday nights?
True False

Do you weigh less than me, you bastard?
True False

Are you "one of mah niggas"? (cuz we be so black here in the ghetto!)
True False

Do you eat like a glutton and not get fat? (I hate you :P )
True False

WHO ELSE GOT THE BOOTY WITH ME?! (yes-if you do, no-if you don't, der)
True False

Are you still in High School? hahahahahahahah
True False

Are you out of high school, and still livng in Girard/Lake City?! we're sad
True False

Do your ex-friends family hate you cuz you tried to help their idiot child?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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