This quiz tests Obsidian Fleet Ship Selector USS Albuquerque Games & Toys Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Games & Toys IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Obsidian Fleet Ship Selector by crummfly.
Test your knowledge of:
USS Albuquerque

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Do you like ships named after places/locations/cities?
True False

Do you like ships named after people/groups of people/types of people?
True False

Do you like ships with more mystical/obscure/idealogical names?
True False

Would you perfer a larger ship?
True False

Would you perfer medium to smaller ships?
True False

Would you perfer the standard Star Trek-looking ships (primary and secondary hull, such as Galaxy Class or Ambassador Class)?
True False

Would you perfer a ship of a different design (single hull, such as, Steamrunner or Norway Class)?
True False

Would you perfer a ship designed for battle?
True False

Would you perfer a ship more oriented towards science and/or exploration?
True False

Would you perfer a command/flag ship?
True False

Would you perfer a ship that separates?
True False

Would you perfer a ship that is featured in movies or television series?
True False

Would you perfer a ship of newer design?
True False

Would you perfer a ship of older design?
True False

Would you perfer a ship that has been recently commissioned in OF or is just starting up?
True False

Would you perfer a ship that has been active in OF for a longer period of time?
True False

Would you perfer a class of ship that is not as prevelant in the fleet?
True False

Would you perfer a ship with nacells intergrated into the hull?
True False

Would you like a specialized ship?
True False

Would you like a more multi-task ship?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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