This quiz tests If You Were A Drug, What Would You Be? Barbituates. You make people calm and relaxed with you and though you can relieve anxiety on the other hand you can make people irritable and tense. You are dependable but risk being abused by people among others and then blamed for the trouble they find themselves. Sometimes because of you, people cant see clearly and you make them go weak at the knees, people tend to fall for you. People get sloppy with you for longer periods of time and lose their sense of judgement. You are depressing with people and too much time with you can make people fall into a coma or even die. Health Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Health IQ Quiz is based upon the selector If You Were A Drug, What Would You Be? by raven.
Test your knowledge of:
Barbituates. You make people calm and relaxed with you and though you can relieve anxiety on the other hand you can make people irritable and tense. You are dependable but risk being abused by people among others and then blamed for the trouble they find themselves. Sometimes because of you, people cant see clearly and you make them go weak at the knees, people tend to fall for you. People get sloppy with you for longer periods of time and lose their sense of judgement. You are depressing with people and too much time with you can make people fall into a coma or even die.

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Are you popular
True False

Are you a fun loving and a take it or leave it kind of person?
True False

If you are wrong, do you admit it?
True False

Do people feel obligated to keep company with you?
True False

Do people miss appointments and upset their routine being with you?
True False

Are you mostly concerned with keeping your business priorities
True False

Do people mostly have fun being in your company?
True False

Are you well organised?
True False

Are you normal?
True False

Do you cry and carry on when people leave you?
True False

Are you a freak?
True False

Are you creative and inspiring?
True False

Do you spend much time in the company of professionals?
True False

Do you tend to lie and cheat (yes) or are you fairly honest in your relationships with people (no)
True False

Do you make lasting impressions?
True False

Are you sexy?
True False

In your company do you find that people commonly suck
True False

Are you serious
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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