This quiz tests Are You A JackalDeer? Hm! If this is #1 then you may just be half Jacky! Yay fer you! Wild Animals Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Wild Animals IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Are You A JackalDeer? by Caleyin Terpsichore.
Test your knowledge of:
Hm! If this is #1 then you may just be half Jacky! Yay fer you!

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Do you like JackalDeers?
True False

Do you have an unusual accent, like "Vhat ess k'yer pribble-um?" Meaning, "What is your problem?" and "NOO-AH TETCHY-TETCHY!!" meaning "No Touchy-Touchy", or "Don't touch that/it/me."
True False

Do you tend to think for hours and stare off into space (We call it Spacing Out), not hearing anything that's going on around you?
True False

If we were to be thrown into a different dimension, would you then have any of these: fur, stripes, spots, hooves, long pointed ears, or a tail?
True False

Do you often mumble incoherently, then when asked, What? you just say, Never mind, thus aggravating the heck out of everyone within hearing range?
True False

Would you consider yourself or anything else... spooty?
True False

Do you have an obsession with strange/beautiful stones, rocks and gems?
True False

Are you very time-conscious? (Do you have to always know what time it is?)
True False

Are you very age-conscious? (Do you always need to know how old people are?)
True False

Can you bend certain part(s) of your body in strange ways, or pop anything out of joint?
True False

Do you ever have vertigo, suddenly and with no warning? Or maybe just plain dizziness?
True False

Can you project your mind to feel exactly what other people can feel, even if you've never done what they are doing? Example: You've never had a child of your own, but just from thinking for a little while you can know how it feels.
True False

Are you attracted to strange and unusual people and objects? Like Michael Jackson?
True False

Do you like cheese? Just kidding. What I meant to say was, Click Yes for 'E' or 'Z' and No for 'R' or 'K'. If you don't get it, then just pick one. Don't leave it blank, you idiot.
True False

Do you NOT have a favorite color? (Click Yes if you do NOT have a favorite color and No if you DO have a favorite color.)
True False

Do you feel a certain connection with nature, whether it be emotional, spiritual, psychic, physical, mental... whatever?
True False

Do you often find the strangest things funny, and can't stop laughing at them, and it takes you half an hour to calm down, especially if it's late at night? or you haven't had much sleep lately? but not only on those conditions? (We call it Easily Amused.)
True False

Forty-eleven. ANSWER ME NOOOWWW!!!!
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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