This quiz tests Which Please Save My Earth guy would be your best love match? Tamura Kazuto Anime Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Anime IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Which Please Save My Earth guy would be your best love match? by Haruhiko.
Test your knowledge of:
Tamura Kazuto

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Do you prefer a man to be kind and sensitive?
True False

Are you attracted to the innocent/youthful, pretty boy look?
True False

Are you attracted to the intense, strikingly handsome look?
True False

Are you attracted to the down home, nice-looking-but-ordinary type of guy?
True False

Would you like it if your man knew how to cook really well?
True False

Would you like a guy who would come to you often to cry in the comfort of your arms?
True False

And/Or would you like a guy who would be the unshakeable rock that you could cling to when you needed comfort?
True False

Shallow physical question #1: Would it be a big, big plus if your man was blond (or close to it)? (be honest!)
True False

Do you prefer the loner type of guy?
True False

Are you attracted to the type of guy that's more quiet and introverted/introspective as opposed to a more loud and extraverted type of guy?
True False

Would your guy be quite willing to fight if the situation presented itself, as opposed to being non-violent?
True False

Would the idea of your man being able to read your feelings and/or move things telekinetically disturb you?
True False

Shallow physical question #2: Would it be a big, big plus if your man was dark-skinned? (be honest!)
True False

Are you attracted to the type that's somewhat - or maybe even very - dangerous?
True False

Would you prefer a quiet and introspective man to be of the cool type of quiet and introspective as opposed to the warm type?
True False

On your ideal date, would you choose more of the quiet/intimate/romantic activities over the loud/adventurous/daring ones?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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