Survey Says: Top Political Agenda results, Politics Survey
The top 11 Political Agenda results of 168 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Political Agenda.      

#1 19.6%
Libertarian(The government should not intervene in any social or economic issues.)
#2 14.3%
Christian Coalition(The government completley controls people's morality/social freedom.)
#3 12.5%
Green(The Government should have large control of the economy, but people should have their social freedoms.)
#4 11.9%
Socialist(Government controls the economy, and redistributes wealth, However People are free in their personal liberties.)
#5 11.3%
Communist(The government should be controlled by an indivual, who is not elected, and will have complete intervention in both the economy, and large intervention in social freedoms.)
#6 11.3%
Democrat(Government controls many aspects of the economy, and people have freedom in many social issues.)
#7 10.7%
Republican(Their is freedom in many aspects of the economy, but the government controls a fair number of social issues.)
#8 4.2%
Reform(Government should control the economy on many issues, but ensurea fair amount of freedom in social liberties.)
#9 3.0%
Nazi(A dictator should rule a country, without being elected into office, and the government should not intervene in either the economy or social freedoms of those that they see fit, but regulate the social freedoms and economic status of those which they
#10 1.2%
Populist(Government intervenes in the economy, while at the same time controlling some social issues.)
#11 0.0%
Independent(The government should take comptletley moderate stances to intervening in both the economy and social freedoms.)

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