Survey Says: Top Do you piss me off or amuse me? results, Weird Survey
WeirdThe top 10 Do you piss me off or amuse me? results of 34 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Do you piss me off or amuse me?.      

#1 61.8%
The evil clown type: You're fun when anyone needs a laugh and you can make anything funny. But you make fun of your friends. You can't be trusted. I get pissed at you easily.
#2 14.7%
The everybody's friend type: You laugh with me, you trust me, I trust you... You're a great friend. But I'm not special, you're like this with everyone. You're popular, or you should be, but that's the only thing that annoys me
#3 8.8%
The unpredictable type #1: You keep secrets, but not just your friends, your own. I can trust you, but you won't trust me. Yet, you're perky and fun. I like you most of the time, but I like to be trusted.
#4 8.8%
The ideal type: Your unique blend of traits makes you a great friend. Be proud
#5 5.9%
The saintly type: You care about your friends. You never let anyone down, but you take things a little too seriously. You've gotta loosen up! I apreciate you, most of the time. You can annoy me though.
#6 0.0%
Dumbass... pressed all the either buttons and thought it'd be funny? HAHAHA
#7 0.0%
The good clown type: You value laughter. It's your untouchable gold. However, you know when to say sorry. Most of my friends are like you, and generally we get along.
#8 0.0%
The hyper type: You can be fun, but you can be a real pain too! You're a good person, so I bear you.
#9 0.0%
The pain: You piss me off. What, do you go out of your way or something?
#10 0.0%
The unpredictable type #2: You're serious about being my friend, and you trust me, but I wouldn't trust you with anything. (no offense) You're a leaky faucet. You're good in fair weather. Other times you're useless.

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