Survey Says: Top X-Men Charcter Connector results, Comics Survey
The top 12 X-Men Charcter Connector results of 109 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for X-Men Charcter Connector.      

#1 29.4%
Storm - Weather Controller and is African American
#2 17.4%
Jubilee - Young and can shoot fireworks out of her hands, always wears a yellow coat, and might be African American
#3 12.8%
Cyclops - Shoots red lightning bolts out his eyes
#4 10.1%
Jean Grey / Pheonix - Can move things with her mind, small mind reading ability
#5 10.1%
Shadowcat - Can walk through walls and Nightcrawler has a crush on her
#6 6.4%
Gambit - Can use cards as bombs and sometimes dates Rogue
#7 4.6%
Nightcrawler - Is blue with a tail and can "poof" to different places
#8 2.8%
Beast - A, well, beast with blue hair and can jump high level and is very intelligent
#9 2.8%
Professor X - created X - Men and can read, control, and manipulate minds
#10 1.8%
Rogue - Can absorb a person's energy and mutant's ability and must wear gloves at all times
#11 1.8%
Wolverine - Unlimited healing ability, had metal put through his skeletal system which makes metal claws come out of hands, likes Jean Grey
#12 0.0%
Spyke - A skater, African American, and can shoot quils out of skin

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