Survey Says: Top Gomer Pyle TV Show Character Quiz results, Television Survey
The top 13 Gomer Pyle TV Show Character Quiz results of 222 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Gomer Pyle TV Show Character Quiz.      

#1 15.3%
Gomer Pyle - the goofy good-hearted country boy marine
#2 13.5%
Captin Martin - strict lady captin called Iron Pants
#3 12.2%
Lou Ann - Gomers sweet girl friend
#4 11.7%
Sgt. Vince Carter - the strict loud funny marine leader
#5 8.6%
Duke Slater - wise guy marine friend of Gomer
#6 8.6%
Friendly Freddy - the local shady traveling salesman
#7 8.1%
Frankie Lombardi - hyper marine friend of Gomer
#8 6.3%
Bunny - Carters tough and funny girlfriend
#9 5.9%
Eddie - easy going marine friend of Gomers
#10 3.6%
Carol Baines - funny corporal played by Carol Burnett
#11 3.2%
Sgt. Hacker - wise guy mess sergeant
#12 2.7%
Corp. Chuck Boyle - Carters right hand man
#13 0.5%
This is not an answer, I have taken some liberties with the scoring to give each character a chance

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