Survey Says: Top Which 'good' character from Neofantajii are you? results, Entertainment Survey
The top 16 Which 'good' character from Neofantajii are you? results of 25 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which 'good' character from Neofantajii are you?.      

#1 84.0%
Kiri: Carefree and naive, you'd do anything for your friends. However, you aren't the brightest of the bunch. Every now and then, you manage to say something wise, which surprises everyone around you.
#2 16.0%
Kansho: Kind and caring, you are the big sister ( or brother ) everyone dreams of having. You stick by people and will never leave them, no matter how tough the going. You like to believe that there is good in everyone, but it's really hard sometimes.
#3 0.0%
Hayabasu: Curiousity killed the cat, except in your case of course. You're quite lucky actually, as you've found yourself in a couple of dangerous scraps. However, your wit and strength have gotten you out numerous times, and your friends have saved you the rest of the time. Returning the favor, you are loyal to your companions, and will never do anything to hurt them.
#4 0.0%
Kaikaku: Your'e giggly, you get crushes; yep, life as a teenager seems pretty normal for you. Though quite feminine sometimes, you aren't a pushover, but find yourself the unwilling 'Damsel in Distress'. Oh well, you'll make up for it in the end with that pure heart of yours.
#5 0.0%
Kashoku: You have what it takes to be great, but your uncertainty hinders your talents. You aren't a coward, but caution holds you back from taking many risks. Don't be afraid to loosen up and show everyone the power that sleeps within you.
#6 0.0%
Kin-Tsume: Sweet and kind, you love nature and all it's creations. Often walking in solitude, you observe the wildlife with peaceful interest, careful not to harm a fly.
#7 0.0%
Kometto: You are just plain cool, and you don't try to be, it comes pretty naturally. You are a friend-to-the-end kind of person, and just love having fun. Parties are your passion, but give you a good adventure, and you'd drop one anyday.
#8 0.0%
Musha-Tatsu: Quick to fight, you have a pretty harsh temper, and have probably quarraled with your best friends often. You tend to hold a grudge for a while, but never forever. Deep inside you know that some ties will never be severed, but you'd never let that be seen on the outside.
#9 0.0%
Ninja-Ittou: Intelligent, but strict at times, you see the world exactly how it is, and find yourself constantly putting people in their place when they out-step boundaries. You don't do it to be mean, you do it to maintain order. What would we do without you around?
#10 0.0%
Oiuchi: Depressive and detatched from humanity, you linger in the shadows of existance. Most people walk by without noticing you, and this just adds to your sorrow. Life isn't really that bad...learn to smile every now and then.
#11 0.0%
Rakurai: Sarcastic beyond belief, you like adventure and loud music. A born fighter, you are constantly saving everyone's butts, until you get injured, then they have to save you. It's not easy being tank.
#12 0.0%
Reisenken: At one time you were cute and fun-loving, but changes have come upon you. Now you can be distant at times, and downright mysterious at others. The fun side is still there, it's just buried under your fascination with the spiritual side of life.
#13 0.0%
Rekisuu: Calm, quiet, and angsty, you are perfect for the classic assassin role. However, your hearts in the right place, and you have a bizarre sense of honor hidden deep within.
#14 0.0%
Samurai-Tora: Brave to the point of almost being foolish, you are the kind of person who would most likely die early in a movie. You have a kind spirit, and are sad when people fight. Yes, it's that strong sense of right and wrong which is bound to make people cry in the 'movie'.
#15 0.0%
Shinabiru: Firstly, let me point this out- you are no angel. Your tendancy to be wild and violent scares people away from you, but you never really liked people all that much did you? A rock and roll fiend, your sins are aplenty, but none so bad that you cannot make them up later. Contrary to what you may think, you aren't really 'Bad to the Bone'.
#16 0.0%
Tsukiwonagamiru: Refined and poetic, the last place you want to be is in the middle of a fight, but sadly, conflicts often find you. You have an artistic spirit, and are a 'listener' rather than a 'talker'.

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