Survey Says: Top Really Crappy results, Sports Survey
The top 13 Really Crappy results of 37 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Really Crappy.      

#1 73.0%
Your ugly
#2 10.8%
is that a sub
#3 10.8%
you smell like a turd
#4 2.7%
you are of the gassy fat religon
#5 2.7%
you reak of farts
#6 0.0%
Why does your face get disfigured when your squeezing one out.
#7 0.0%
You callin me fat midget
#8 0.0%
can i have a turd
#9 0.0%
try a shower
#10 0.0%
you are 34 and wear diapers
#11 0.0%
you eat turd
#12 0.0%
your fat
#13 0.0%
your stupid as a rock

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