Survey Says: Top Can we have a good conversation about literature? results, Books Survey
BooksThe top 3 Can we have a good conversation about literature? results of 52 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Can we have a good conversation about literature?.      

#1 73.1%
Yes: we have read/enjoyed many of the same books and can spend hours comparing/exchanging poignant observationsover several cups of coffee.
#2 13.5%
Yes: though we have differing tastes in literature, we have a common passion for reading and can exchange ideas/add books to our respective 'to-read' lists over several cups of coffee.
#3 5.8%
No: you have no idea what literature is, and an attempt to discuss it with me would probably result in scalding-coffee injuries and irreparably damaged self-esteem (on your part). Do not under any circumstances pass go/collect $200.

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