Politics Poll: Are you smart of dumb? SelectSmart.com Free Online Polls, Opinion Surveys, Fun Poll Voting Vote
Politics Poll: Are you smart of dumb? SelectSmart.com Free Online Polls, Opinion Surveys, Fun Poll Voting Vote
PoliticsPolitics Poll: Are you smart of dumb?
Vote for your top choice from the list below. This poll is based upon the selector "Are you smart of dumb?" by Jacob Shelly.

Choose from this list:

You are a horrible, racist, bigoted, sexist, homophobic, might-makes-right, sleazy, self-righteous, intolerant dumbass

You're too shallow to have any morals and lack any core beliefs. You're too dumb to think for yourself and dignity and basic decency count for nothing with you

You are a person of true character that fights for what is right against the tide of Satanists around you


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