Weird Poll: How Are You Going to Associate With the SRs? Free Online Polls, Opinion Surveys, Fun Poll Voting Vote
Weird Poll: How Are You Going to Associate With the SRs? Free Online Polls, Opinion Surveys, Fun Poll Voting Vote
graphWeirdWeird Poll: How Are You Going to Associate With the SRs?
Vote for your top choice from the list below. This poll is based upon the selector "How Are You Going to Associate With the SRs?" by Alice.

Choose from this list:

You're not going to ever meet an SR

You're going to meet a SR but not think about them or exactly pay attention to them

You're going to be a friend of the SRs and Pre-SRs

You're going to be a SR yourself

You're going to be a Pre-SR (almost a SR)

You're going to marry SR1 (Hair Hair or Baby)

You're going to marry SR2 (Stephen)

You're going to marry SR3 (Carter)

You're going to marry SR4 (Lei)

You're going to marry SR5 (Daniel)

You're going to marry SR6(Cross Hilt, don't ask me)

You're going to marry Pre-SR1 (Tony)

You're going to marry Pre-SR2 (Dale

You're going to be a RF(retard fighter)


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