Lord of the Rings Poll: Who's Your Perfect LOTRs Guy? SelectSmart.com Free Online Polls, Opinion Surveys, Fun Poll Voting Vote
Lord of the Rings Poll: Who's Your Perfect LOTRs Guy? SelectSmart.com Free Online Polls, Opinion Surveys, Fun Poll Voting Vote
Lord of the RingsLord of the Rings Poll: Who's Your Perfect LOTRs Guy?
Vote for your top choice from the list below. This poll is based upon the selector "Who's Your Perfect LOTRs Guy?" by Captain Jack Sparrow.

Choose from this list:

Aragorn - You like them with sexy manly stubble and of great importance (He's King yay!).

Éomer - Mmmmmm I would! (There are reasons for this *cough* talent *cough*).

Faramir - As long as you haven't seen him in "Moulin Rouge" hehe.......

Figwit - For those who don't know who Figwit is (Shame on you!) visit www.figwitlives.net

Frodo - Look at him go! What more can I say?

Haldir - Look at his sexy blonde Elfness!

Legolas - Look how pretty he is!

Merry - Mmmm talent heaven...

Pippin - Fool of a Took! And a cute one at that!

Samwise the Brave - He likes his turnips! "I cannot carry the ring, but I can carry you!" lucky Mr Frodo (and Sam too).


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