Books Poll: Time Torn Asunder Characters Free Online Polls, Opinion Surveys, Fun Poll Voting Vote
Books Poll: Time Torn Asunder Characters Free Online Polls, Opinion Surveys, Fun Poll Voting Vote
graphBooksBooks Poll: Time Torn Asunder Characters
Vote for your top choice from the list below. This poll is based upon the selector "Time Torn Asunder Characters" by Mike.

Choose from this list:

Leon Zorin (the Main Character)

Mike (The Clumsy, Attractive Type)

Double (Uh...some dude from the future who's a main character?)

Cronus ('re the baddie who wants to destroy all of're evil...)

Ovelia ('re sexy and funny, get killed!)

Angel (Sweet, caring, "I'll whoop your ass" type of girl, plus, you get killed!)

Anely Zurhcuh (Smart, sexy, and funny, die!)

Jack (An "I'm in all times!" kinda guy who'

Cyrus ('re not evil bt Cronus''re in a damn sword! You're smart!)

Sirion ('re in a sword with your're kinda slow...)

"Zack" (You're brave, smart, and well...nobody knows anything about you really....)


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