Weird Poll: :: HoW Well Do YoU KnoW Me?:: Free Online Polls, Opinion Surveys, Fun Poll Voting Vote
Weird Poll: :: HoW Well Do YoU KnoW Me?:: Free Online Polls, Opinion Surveys, Fun Poll Voting Vote
graphWeirdWeird Poll: :: HoW Well Do YoU KnoW Me?::
Vote for your top choice from the list below. This poll is based upon the selector ":: HoW Well Do YoU KnoW Me?::" by DyNaMo.

Choose from this list:

You are a 10% Redneck! The only thing southern thing about you is your zipper.

You are a 20% Redneck! You take a shower about every 5 days.

You are a 30% Redneck! Your Ford rattles on dirt roads.

You are a 40% Redneck! Reputation? You lost that when you were 10. YOur partner was your brother.

You are a 50% Redneck! You hit on your cousins only 5 times a day.

You are a 60% Redneck! Uncle Cletus didn't have Duct tape for no reason!

You are a 70% Redneck! If it doesn't have Elvis, its not worth listening to!

You are a 80% Redneck! Get in the truck, we bout to R-U-N-N O-F-T

You are a 90% Redneck! Jeff Foxworthy was inspired by your "uniqueness"

You are a 100% Redneck! You are "bonified"


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