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The facts and quotes in this article would make a good campaign ad exposing Trump's cruelty and hypocrisy.
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Okay. So let me get this straight... The trial was a TRAVESTY?
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Politics selectors, pages, etc.
Yes, we understand the Trump appeal and your MAGA pain.
By Curt_Anderson
January 10, 2024 1:14 pm
Category: Politics

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Somebody mistakenly said here today that Trump is conservative. He is not. Trump is a populist. As Paul Ryan said, Trump is also "an authoritarian narcissist". Trump has no principles, much less guiding political principles. He will say or do whatever he thinks will appeal to his followers at the moment.

His voters are those who feel that they got the short end of the stick in life. They are the supposed victims of others: immigrants, minorities, "the elite", "the swamp", et cetera. They blame anybody and anything other than their own personal failures. Do I need to mention the name of a historic figure who engaged in that sort scapegoating?

At a CPAC event Trump tells the MAGA faithful, "I am your justice...I am your retribution." He then vows to "totally obliterate" the so-called deep state. Nothing subtle about that.

Donald Trump likes to dismiss rivals as ‘Republican In Name Only’. But, argues Simon Schama, it is the former president’s own MAGA movement that most deserves the label
(Financial Times)It seems a fair bet that the philosophical revivalists of American conservatism in the 1950s and ’60s — political theorist and social critic Russell Kirk and William F Buckley Jr, the National Review editor whose watchwords were fiscal responsibility, limited government and a forward position in the world assuming American leadership — would not have recognised much in the Trump presidency embodying those principles.

Coming to an America near you is the Book of Donald’s Revelations, smoking with revenge

Those earlier guardians of American conservatism might have approved of plans to shrink the civil service (even or especially if it meant abolishing the Environmental Protection Agency), but it’s safe to say would have been appalled by the Trumpian project of replacing civil service neutrality with obedient legions of the loyal, the hallmark of authoritarian expansion of executive power.

All this, however, pales into insignificance besides a campaign that refuses to acknowledge the attempted sabotage of the constitution and the renewed attempt to recreate a presidency seated on a throne of lies.

Sir Simon Schama, University Professor of Art History and History, was educated at Christ's College, Cambridge and taught at Cambridge, Oxford, and Harvard before coming to Columbia in 1993.

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Comments on "Yes, we understand the Trump appeal and your MAGA pain.":

  1. by HatetheSwamp on January 10, 2024 1:26 pm

    Somebody mistakenly said here today that Trump is conservative.


    Yes, we understand the Trump appeal and your MAGA pain.

    Who's the "your?"

  2. by Curt_Anderson on January 10, 2024 1:39 pm
    If you don't know, you'll never understand. And if you don't understand, you'll never know.

  3. by HatetheSwamp on January 10, 2024 1:40 pm

    So, you're misquoted me again?

  4. by Curt_Anderson on January 10, 2024 1:42 pm
    Where am I quoting you?!

  5. by HatetheSwamp on January 10, 2024 1:43 pm

    You're being vague. I'm axing.

  6. by Curt_Anderson on January 10, 2024 1:48 pm
    And you are being obtuse, evasive and indirect as usual. And you are avoiding the substance of my article.

    Why do you think I "quoted" you?

  7. by HatetheSwamp on January 10, 2024 1:55 pm

    I'll say that this is the first time I'm aware of that you've been so enthusiastic in agreeing with Paul Ryan.

    I'm pretty certain that I've mentioned here that I think Trump is despicable. Don't you recall that?

    Otoh, you are despicable-r than even Trump in your hate speech regarding the mommies and daddies and nannas and pappaps who support Trump.

    You rival po in sanctimony.

  8. by Curt_Anderson on January 10, 2024 2:41 pm
    Let me get this straight: I am the one supposedly engaged and hate speech, because I pointed out that Donald Trump and his MAGA cult are RINOs who consider themselves victims of various groups and institutions? Hate is an intense and passion filled emotion. You are the one who hates “the swamp”. If you don’t feel you were wronged why that strong reaction to such a vague entity?

    Your accusation that I am hateful is misdirected.

  9. by oldedude on January 10, 2024 2:45 pm
    It's the passive-aggressive curt. My ex was completely passive-aggressive also. Except she was good at it. She'd give you the smile and a bat of the eyes. curt doesn't have the balls for that. He'll lie to your face and expect you to buy off on it.

  10. by HatetheSwamp on January 10, 2024 2:57 pm

    Let me get this straight: I am the one supposedly engaged and hate speech, because I pointed out that Donald Trump and his MAGA cult are RINOs who consider themselves victims of various groups and institutions?

    You are in what you said about MAGA voters, absolutely.

    I know many of them personally. Not one of them considers himself or herself "victims of various groups and institutions?"

    Not a single EFFINone. NONE! AT ALL...

    ...but, I'd love to know why you believe that.

  11. by Curt_Anderson on January 10, 2024 3:57 pm
    It’s not just me. Just ask this guy:
    Former President Donald Trump was the one who cut right to the bone of the modern GOP:

    “We are all victims,” he told a crowd after he lost the election. “Everybody here. All these thousands of people tonight. They’re all victims. Every one of you.”

    Inspiring, isn’t it? Also: How is that the least bit conservative? The GOP used to talk about personal responsibility. Now it’s all how the system is rigged and you’re all being screwed — historically screwed.

  12. by HatetheSwamp on January 10, 2024 4:21 pm

    You? Lamenting the loss of GOP good ol days, eh? Happy Days! Yo!

    The GOP, today, is the home of openness and inclusion, acceptance, diversity, tolerance and freedom.

    There's still some of the old GOP around. But, Curt. Are you thinking that the Swamp leaves no destruction in its wake? There are no victims of that corrupt and dysfunctional political culture? Dream away, Curtie A.!

    That great universe of the mommies and daddies and nannas and pappaps... the gang whom po derides as "fascistic and disgusting" "MAGA Republican" "Christian theocrats..."

    They are a growing and dynamic community living in the home of openness and inclusion, acceptance, diversity, tolerance and freedom.

  13. by Curt_Anderson on January 10, 2024 5:42 pm
    Nobody can say that you have a firm grasp of the obvious, or even an acceptance of the obvious.

    Donald Trump‘s entire pitch to his supporters has been telling them they are victims. They are being persecuted. Now Trump tells you MAGA-types that it is you who is being prosecuted.

    Trump is a loser. He lost to Joe Biden. He appeals to the losers because he is one of their own. As I said, we understand that.

  14. by Ponderer on January 10, 2024 8:48 pm

    "Donald Trump‘s entire pitch to his supporters has been telling them they are victims. They are being persecuted." -Curt

    By a mysterious dark and all-powerful cabal he has conjured up from his abject followers' deepest fears called "The Swamp".

    I swear. The blithering, nonsensical, pig-ignorant idiocy that his dutiful defenders will ravenously swallow.

  15. by HatetheSwamp on January 11, 2024 3:47 am

    Donald Trump‘s entire pitch to his supporters has been telling them they are victims. They are being persecuted. Now Trump tells you MAGA-types that it is you who is being prosecuted.


    How do you, as po'd say, EFFINknow what Trump's ENTIRE PITCH is to his supporters!!!!!? You've voluntarily surrendered yourself to the TrumpHate progressive SwampMedia. You make that clear.

    Actually, EFFIN-one of Trump's appeals to the faithful is precisely the opposite of what you claim. He's best known... on the outside this time around... is "... they're not coming after me. They're coming after you — and I'm just standing in their way."

    They are not victims because y'nes are deranged over him and obsessed with him.

    Would your Swamp victimize them? Certainly, you try.

    All that LGBTQIA2+ propaganda Big Brother is trying to foist on those mommies and daddies and nannas and pappaps who merely want to raise their kids without government intrusion? You're trying but, thanks to pb's three-headed monster... including the MAGAs... losing.

    But, Curt. Watch a video of Trump's Town Hall with Hannity last night. The victimization of MAGAs ain't the message.

    In short? The message is that Joe Biden is, precisely, "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap." And, based on the polls? The message is landing in the hearts of Americans.

  16. by oldedude on January 11, 2024 8:21 am
    I think it actually humorous curt and po consider themselves "valid third parties" to what trumpster says. It's laughable. Curt thinks he's a libertarian, all the while, he's promoting big government, big spending, and the complete government interference in the core family's business. This is the government riding in on a pale horse (and his name is death) to any true libertarian. He also disavows any illegal action by DOJ/FBI/ IC, which is really strange for a libertarian. And. All the times I have to teach him about the most rudimentary aspects of our government system.* I think he's much closer to a sheeple on the left, bleating out the marching orders of his party (thusly a good little german). Refusing to see where there are questionable acts (because other than curt. and po. and isle) everyone disagrees with everyone else at some point.

    *The true libertarians I know are WELL versed in the constitution and what the federal government can and cannot do. What the limit on the feds really is, and how those fit into the states' rights. When you mention "States Rights" or "DUE PROCESS"😱, they all know exactly what they mean, how it's viewed in the constitution, and how SCOTUS has historically ruled on them. If they're left or right, they all rally against the actions of DOJ/FBI/IC actions with anyone. Regardless of race, creed, color, national origin, or religious beliefs. If po or curt don't like someone, they have no given rights that anyone else has in the US.

  17. by Ponderer on January 11, 2024 10:04 am

    Curt, as you are fully aware, these Republican cult members will avoid addressing your direct and intended questions pretty much on average always. Questions with truthful answers they find inconvenient or antithetical to their desires are to be obfuscated, insulted, laughed at, responded to with another question, misdirected, taken offensively, accused of ignorance, smoke-screened, avoided, intentionally misinterpreted, or simply flat out ignored.

    Literally anything but answered truthfully.

    They will never truthfully answer a question if that truthful answer is in any way uncomfortable or unhelpful to them. They will ignore any...and I mean ANY relevant data or evidence or proof provided to them, regardless of source, that ever shows them to be in error in their view of the Universe in order to existentially continue their tenuously firm grasp on their false reality. Even when mountains of blatantly undeniable evidence or proof is provided to them in a complete and total vacuum of anything in the way of evidence of any kind that shows them to be correct.

    We all know this. We've all watched them stuck in this egocentric, pathetic psychological pattern for years and years now. And I am not just talking about the MAGA hatted denizens of SelectSmart. Their kind is of a fairly good sized proportion of the populace.

    And there is simply no way, scheme, or method in all of human capability to prove anything to them that they simply just do not want to recognize as reality. Several live videos of their own Leader's voice is not even enough to convince them of what he said if he ever says anything stupid or criminal or racist or misogynistic or un-American or treasonous or undemocratic... or most important psychologically... self-incriminating. Of their Mango Messiah or them. They won't even recognize reality that they themselves were even witness to if it doesn't support their imaginary world.

    We watch their kind ignore the truth on a regular public basis when it can be interpreted by them as The Enemy. They are fed flat out lies by their leaders and the media they watch. Their imaginary world has a very large support group.

    And these same attitudes of theirs are directed at the law and our Constitution as we have seen also in countless examples. The law and the Constitution are going after their Leader? "Well then the laws and the Constitution are wrong!"

    And they can't understand why we don't just give up and see everything their way.

    But Curt, I just wanted to tell you how much I value your doomed and quixotic attempts to acquaint these dullards with any kind of knowledge they lack. For there is so very very much.

    And this goes for the rest of us here who have tried to enrich these poor souls in our midst. It can never be said that we didn't try our best.

    The world would be such a far better place if these clowns could only learn their asses from holes in the ground. So I applaud you, Curt. You are doing God's work. Even though you don't believe in Him.

    Which is cool. He pisses me off into not believing in Him rather often myself.

    Whatever "Him" actually Is.......

  18. by Curt_Anderson on January 11, 2024 11:00 am
    First off, next time my wife complains that I am on the internet again, I’m will tell her “I’m doing God’s work!”

    My quixotic hope is that cult members who haven’t imbibed ALL the Koolaid will recognize
    their error in following Trump.

  19. by Curt_Anderson on January 11, 2024 11:00 am
    First off, next time my wife complains that I am on the internet again, I’m will tell her “I’m doing God’s work!”

    My quixotic hope is that cult members who haven’t imbibed ALL the Koolaid will recognize
    their error in following Trump.

  20. by Ponderer on January 11, 2024 11:02 am



  21. by oldedude on January 11, 2024 11:09 am
    po- Looking for some references about that. Unless you're just blowing gas again.

    Also #16 had nothing to do with trumpster per se. It was more about the fantasy land he (and you) live in. I agree that you don't claim to be a libertarian, so much of that didn't reference you. You ARE a straight-forward liberal. No sweat. In context, it would be like curt "saying" he was a Christian (which he has never done, so this is just an example), but saying that he didn't believe in the New Testament, etc. They're both kind of an oxymoron.

  22. by Ponderer on January 11, 2024 1:52 pm

    "po- Looking for some references about that." -olde dude

    Well good for you, od! I wish you the best of luck. I even hope it isn't as hard for you to find as it was for me.

    Um... Am I supposed to know that the heck you are talking about?

    Define "that" please...

  23. by oldedude on January 11, 2024 4:09 pm

    Curt, as you are fully aware, these Republican cult members will avoid addressing your direct and intended questions pretty much on average always. Questions with truthful answers they find inconvenient or antithetical to their desires are to be obfuscated, insulted, laughed at, responded to with another question, misdirected, taken offensively, accused of ignorance, smoke-screened, avoided, intentionally misinterpreted, or simply flat out ignored.

    Literally anything but answered truthfully.

    They will never truthfully answer a question if that truthful answer is in any way uncomfortable or unhelpful to them. They will ignore any...and I mean ANY relevant data or evidence or proof provided to them, regardless of source, that ever shows them to be in error in their view of the Universe in order to existentially continue their tenuously firm grasp on their false reality. Even when mountains of blatantly undeniable evidence or proof is provided to them in a complete and total vacuum of anything in the way of evidence of any kind that shows them to be correct.

    "po- Looking for some references about that." -olde dude

    Yeah, I found ZERO. So. As usual, please be kind enough to back up some of your stupid shit about this?

  24. by Ponderer on January 12, 2024 7:17 am

    What...? olde dude, do you think I have been video documenting every single thing I have ever watched Republicans do so that I can link you to evidence of them doing it? Do you think I have a Youtube channel dedicated to decades of videos laid end to end of Republicans doing exactly what I said they always do?

    I suppose as proof you could go back and look at pretty much every post you have ever made to the questions of any of us non-MAGA Hats to see evidence of you not giving a direct, truthful answer to our questions. How's that? I just seriously don't know what else you expect me to show you to prove what I have watched you do for so many years. I can't really do any better than point you to the volumes of data that Curt has compiled in this forum showing this inherent tendency of its MAGA Hat supporters.

    Pick any thread at random where we asked you or Hate a direct question. You'll see that our question was nearly always either obfuscated, insulted, laughed at, responded to with another question, misdirected, taken offensively, accused of ignorance, smoke-screened, avoided, intentionally misinterpreted, showered with irrelevant non sequitur, or simply flat out ignored.

    Don't take my word for it. Believe your own eyes!

    Wait. You're a Republican. That will never work.

    Never mind.

  25. by islander on January 12, 2024 7:31 am

    Elegantly said, Ponderer! 🍻

    And absolutely true !!! 👍

  26. by Ponderer on January 12, 2024 7:45 am

    Thanks, Isle!

    Hey od...! I have a witness willing to testify under oath...

  27. by oldedude on January 12, 2024 8:48 am
    They will never truthfully answer a question if that truthful answer is in any way uncomfortable or unhelpful to them. They will ignore any...and I mean ANY relevant data or evidence or proof provided to them, regardless of source, that ever shows them to be in error in their view of the Universe in order to existentially continue their tenuously firm grasp on their false reality. Even when mountains of blatantly undeniable evidence or proof is provided to them in a complete and total vacuum of anything in the way of evidence of any kind that shows them to be correct.

    We all know this. We've all watched them stuck in this egocentric, pathetic psychological pattern for years and years now. And I am not just talking about the MAGA hatted denizens of SelectSmart. Their kind is of a fairly good sized proportion of the populace.

    And there is simply no way, scheme, or method in all of human capability to prove anything to them that they simply just do not want to recognize as reality. Several live videos of their own Leader's voice is not even enough to convince them of what he said if he ever says anything stupid or criminal or racist or misogynistic or un-American or treasonous or undemocratic... or most important psychologically... self-incriminating. Of their Mango Messiah or them. They won't even recognize reality that they themselves were even witness to if it doesn't support their imaginary world.

    We watch their kind ignore the truth on a regular public basis when it can be interpreted by them as The Enemy. They are fed flat out lies by their leaders and the media they watch. Their imaginary world has a very large support group.

  28. by Ponderer on January 12, 2024 1:42 pm

    olde dude, I am quite pleased to inform you that as of today, right now, your copy and paste functions are working at peak 100% efficiency! As is your physical and mental ability to employ the Bold tagging comment function.

    👍😎 "Happy to help!"

  29. by oldedude on January 12, 2024 2:23 pm
    And I'm happy to ask again for "any" supporting documents you have of your false and stupid accusations.

    Also, glad to be of help.🤣

  30. by Ponderer on January 13, 2024 6:27 am
    "And I'm happy to ask again for "any" supporting documents you have" -olde dude

    This was all just examples from last year. It's gonna take me awhile to scan them all into electronic files and download them to you. Can you give me a couple months...?

  31. by oldedude on January 13, 2024 10:12 am
    no. Referencing them is good enough.

  32. by Ponderer on January 13, 2024 11:39 am

    Okay I'll confess. I don't have any documents supporting my various and sundry aspersions that I have cast upon you.

    But the fact is that you, Hate, and the rest of the MAGA Republican party will never truthfully answer a question if that truthful answer is in any way uncomfortable or unhelpful to you. You will ignore any...and I mean ANY relevant data or evidence or proof provided to you, regardless of source, that ever shows you or MAGA Republicans to be in error in your view of the Universe in order to existentially continue your tenuously firm grasp on your false reality. Even when mountains of blatantly undeniable evidence or proof is provided to you in a complete and total vacuum of anything in the way of evidence of any kind that shows you or the MAGA Republicans to be correct.

    It's just that we all know what you do. We've all have watched you and Hate stuck in this egocentric, pathetic psychological pattern for years and years now. And I am not just talking about you two MAGA hatted denizens of SelectSmart. Your kind is of a fairly good sized proportion of the populace.

    And there is simply no way, scheme, or method in all of human capability to prove anything to you two or the rest of the MAGA Hats that you simply just do not want to recognize as reality. Several live videos of your own Leader's voice is not even enough to convince you of what he said if he ever says anything stupid or criminal or racist or misogynistic or un-American or treasonous or undemocratic... or most important psychologically... self-incriminating. Of your Mango Messiah or you MAGA Hats. You won't even recognize reality that you yourselves have even been witness to if it doesn't support your imaginary world.

    We watch you and your kind ignore the truth on a regular public basis when it can be interpreted by you as The Enemy. You are fed flat out lies by your leaders and the media you watch. Your imaginary world has a very large support group.

    So suffice to say, I and many others have simply witnessed your behavior with our own eyes and ears. We didn't record it. We didn't document it. We've just watched you do these things for years and years and years.

    I am truly sorry if this disappoints you, od. But fortunately, I couldn't give a flying rat's ass.

    "Documents...? Documents...??? We don't
    need to show you any stinking documents!"

  33. by HatetheSwamp on January 13, 2024 1:20 pm
    ...and I mean ANY relevant data or evidence or proof provided to you, regardless of source, that ever shows you or MAGA Republicans to be in error...

    pb'd be blessed with one juicy example related to OD and pb. Forget the MAGAs.

    po centering the universe doesn't count.

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