Please Report Broken Or Missing Images.The top 20 How Intelligent Are You results of 335 participants.

Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for How Intelligent Are You.

#1 29.3%
You are intelligent; then again, so are alot of people...
#2 15.8%
You think Bill O'Reilly is actually "Fair and Balanced" (Note, this is the second to last level of stupidity, in case you were too much of a moron to figure it out, which we can assume you were)...
#3 14.6%
You are in fact, the smartest person alive (also known as Travis Drake)...
#4 9.6%
Lowest level. I cannot even articulate how fucking stupid you are. You shame me as a human being...
#5 9.6%
You are a very intelligent person; you are a prodigy...
#6 6.6%
You are average. Average isn't bad, as long as you don't mind being a moron...
#7 3.3%
You are at the high end of stupidity; don't be too proud, you are still dumb as hell...
#8 3.3%
You are slightly below average. Damn, you are stupid...
#9 3.0%
You have about as much brain activity as somebody in a coma; your right to speak has been permanantly revoked...
#10 2.7%
You strive to be Travis, but can never quite reach perfection...
#11 0.9%
You are inexplicably stupid. It is hard to find adjectives to describe the level of stupidity you have reached; I am surprised you can read this...
#12 0.6%
You are semi-intelligent, work harder....
#13 0.3%
Wow! You are almost smart enough to be considered stupid. Dumbass...
#14 0.3%
You are beyond stupidity at its normal levels; You are the type of person warning labels were invented for...
#15 0.3%
You strive to be semi-intelligent, but you just can't make the grade...
#16 0.0%
You are about as smart as George Bush (either one); notice how I said "about as". Yes, you can go cry yourself to sleep now...
#17 0.0%
You are quickly approaching the "special" status. What the hell is wrong with you...
#18 0.0%
You dream of having average intelligence. Too bad you can not even spell the word...
#19 0.0%
You have dreams of one day knowing something; sadly, you never will. Idiot...
#20 0.0%
You have no form of logic and no reasonable opinions; suicide is quickly becoming an option for you......

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