Survey Says: Top Wiccan Degree Selector results, Religion Survey
The top 5 Wiccan Degree Selector results of 1726 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Wiccan Degree Selector.      

#1 41.8%
Second Degree Equivalent! Congratulations, you've displayed a depth of knowledge equivalent to that of a Second Degree Initiate! You can truly consider yourself a Priest or Priestess! May the Goddess Bless and Guide you with the wisdom needed to progress further along your Path! Remember though, if you are Solitary, you have no need of titles or Degrees, nor need of outside justification of your Path, this comes from yourself and your own interaction with your Deities!
#2 19.8%
First Degree Equivalent - Congratulations! Your answers show you to have a level of knowledge and personal development equivalent to that of First Degree Initiation. You can truly consider yourself a Witch! May the Goddess Bless you're continuing studies as you grow in her Light. Remember though, if you are Solitary, you have no need of outside justification of your Path, this comes from yourself and your own interaction with your Deities!
#3 13.3%
Third Degree Equivalent! Hearty Congratulations! Your answers have shown you to have amassed the neccessary knowledge and experience to truly be called a High Priest / Priestess! May you always strive to help those following on behind as they travel their own Paths!! Remember though, if you are Solitary, you have no need of titles or Degrees, nor need of outside justification of your Path, this comes from yourself and your own interaction with your Deities!
#4 12.6%
Elder! Hmm, you've either gathered enough wisdom to answer this Quiz honestly, or enough experience to read my mind for the answers! Either way you are truly an Elder of the Craft, able to set an example for all to follow! I salute you!! Remember though, if you are Solitary, you have no need of titles or Degrees, nor need of outside justification of your Path, this comes from yourself and your own interaction with your Deities!
#5 12.6%
NEWBIE - Congrats on finding a Path that's right for you! You have begun a journey of Self-Discovery and heightened awareness of the world around you! May you continue to grow and learn in Goddess Light!

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