Survey Says: Top Are you a good person to date? results, Love Survey
The top 6 Are you a good person to date? results of 929 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Are you a good person to date?.      

#1 44.9%
I don't know, you probably need to be more outgoing.
#2 31.6%
Why are you asking me? You're a pretty good person to date.
#3 13.2%
You're perfect! If you're male, where have you been all my life? No, I'm not giving you my Email address.
#4 7.2%
You're OK, work on it a little more.
#5 2.0%
You probably don't bathe regularly. That's as low as it gets. Clean yourself up and go to the mall (even if you're a guy)
#6 1.0%
Um... You've probably been dumped after the second date. Get a life.

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