Survey Says: Top What Sopranos' Character Are You? results, Television Survey
The top 5 What Sopranos' Character Are You? results of 5893 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for What Sopranos' Character Are You?.      

#1 56.6%
Anthony Soprano - You are the acting street boss of New Jersey. You're torn between two seperate yet equally important sets of family obligations. You're in therapy to improve the quality of your life and your relationships, but because of Mafia blood oaths you can never truly open up, lest you break your bows of silence and risk retribution from the rest of the crime family.
#2 15.1%
Uncle Junior - You are a bitter, jealous old man. You are always looking for a way to come out above Tony, but you always fall short. You lack subtlety and often demand harsh punishments for even the slightest offenses. You get off on being cruel.
#3 14.8%
Carmela Soprano - You are Tony Sopranos frustrated and embittered wife. You are tough, intelligent, and extremely devoted to your family. You manage to stand up for what you believe in while still protecting your family. You've recently begun a journey of spiritual enlightenment to help relieve you of the guilt asociated with being a mobster's wife.
#4 12.4%
Big Pussy - You are, by turns, a vicious enforcer, a loveable oaf, and sometimes the victim of your own desires to help others at all costs. You've never had it very easy. You may have been a rat, but you were loved. When Tony, Paulie, and Silvio were forced to execute you it was done with no real pleasure.
#5 1.1%
Livia Soprano - You are Tony's bitter, manipulative, and paranoid mother. Despite all of Tony's attempts at being a good son you plotted with Uncle Junior to have him murdered. You are only interested in long, self-indulgent diatribes about your impending dead and your feelings of abandonment and indulging in one of the ugliest martyr complexes known to man.

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