Survey Says: Top Who's Your Perfect Robin of Sherwood Guy? results, Television Survey
The top 10 Who's Your Perfect Robin of Sherwood Guy? results of 511 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Who's Your Perfect Robin of Sherwood Guy?.      

#1 18.8%
Much - Sweet, innocent and, lets face it, not the brightest of men. Yet his heart is true and he'll make you feel like a princess. Aww!
#2 17.8%
Robin of Loxley - So, you like your men rolling around in the mud with Sir Guy. Well, so do we. Good on you! He does the smooth-older-man look very well these days.......lord knows i have!
#3 16.4%
Sir Guy of Gisburne - My personal fave. He's blonde, beautiful, and yet another fine (talented) swordsman. He probably won't treat you well, but you'll enjoy it. A lot. A LOT, a lot.
#4 16.0%
Nasir - Well, you're asking an awful lot of your partners, aren't you? He's sensitive, brave, a talented swordsman, and pretty damn fine to boot.
#5 9.4%
Little John - You like em big. Super size. Pity they stopped the supersized portions at Maccy D's, eh?
#6 7.4%
Tuck - Are you devout? Or is it the whole "issues with your father" thing? Well, he'll treat you right.
#7 5.1%
The High Sheriff of Nottingham - What can we say about this guy? He's malicious, rude and always loses the fight. But let's face it, you'd have a right laugh.
#8 4.3%
Marion - She's female, quite cool, fairly good taste in men. Enough said.
#9 4.1%
Will Scarlett - He's a hot tempered, foul mouthed, amazingly sexy piece of meat.
#10 0.6%
Robert of Huntingdon - The pretty boy successor. You like the traditional hero type. Do you need rescuing?

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