Survey Says: Top The TRUE Evil Test results, Weird Survey
The top 5 The TRUE Evil Test results of 115 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for The TRUE Evil Test.      

#1 52.2%
I am......Charles Manson. I was friends with the beach boys until i killed some people.
#2 27.0%
I am......Hitler. I started world war two and killed a bunch of jews.
#3 11.3%
I am.......Jesus. I was a carpenter until i started walking around converting people. I got nailed on a cross. It wasnt very pleasant.
#4 7.8%
I am.....Vlad the Impaler. I stuck a bunch of people on poles. It was fun.
#5 1.7%
I am.....Jeffrey Dahmer. I killed people and ate them. Cops found a body in my fridge.

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