Survey Says: Top Grace's personality test results, Weird Survey
The top 10 Grace's personality test results of 688 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Grace's personality test.      

#1 7.7%
People pleaser-you go through every notion possible to please other people...grow up
#2 4.4%
#3 4.4%
#4 4.4%
#5 4.4%
#6 3.3%
Poser- you try to hard to "act like this or that"
#7 2.5%
Computer Nerd- You spend too much time on your computer and therefore probably dont have much of a life outside of the computer
#8 2.5%
Hypocrite-you cant keep ur mind straight...closely related to the poser
#9 0.6%
Little miss perfect-you have the need to be perfect all the time(u try to but arent)...ppl probably talk about you behind your back
#10 0.6%
Stupid thug-you prefer not to use your mind very often

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