Survey Says: Top How do I treat you? results, Personality Survey
The top 9 How do I treat you? results of 47 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for How do I treat you?.      

#1 48.9%
Musical Brethren
#2 12.8%
Casual Aquaintance
#3 10.6%
I'll at least smile...
#4 10.6%
Sometimes I loose my self control and make violent gestures in your direction.
#5 8.5%
I don't particularly like you, but I'm not rude.
#6 6.4%
I avoid you.
#7 2.1%
#8 0.0%
Partner in... stuff.
#9 0.0%
We will live in a commune together

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