Survey Says: Top Sleeper Character Selector results, Comics Survey
The top 8 Sleeper Character Selector results of 186 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Sleeper Character Selector.      

#1 36.6%
Holden Carver- The hero, an undercover agent in Tao's organization. He's torn between his morals and the things that he must do as one of Tao's men.
#2 17.7%
Colonel Marc Slayton- An I.O. comrade of John Lynch. Direct and down-to-earth with a dry wit and sharp tongue.
#3 17.7%
Tao- Devious and intelligent, his only agenda is to throw the world into chaos, using people as pawns in his twisted games.
#4 15.6%
John Lynch- Holden's I.O. boss, the one who sent him into this mess in the first place. Forget pleasantries and sentiments, this guy's all about getting the job done, and that's that.
#5 4.3%
Sir Malcolm Jones- A seasoned I.O. veteran, you can always count on him to get a fellow agent out of trouble.
#6 3.2%
Peter Grimm- Quiet and inscrutable, one of Tao's most trusted men. Don't take him lightly.
#7 2.7%
Miss Misery- Tao's deadly right-hand woman. She truly cares for Holden, but she won't admit it.
#8 2.2%
Genocide Jones- His tough-as-nails manner masks the pain of losing his only child. While he's not really a people person, the few friends he does have are valuable to him.

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